Thursday, January 22, 2009


So yesterday I'm watching CNN with Anderson Cooper, not normally the worst offenders in the insanity (or inanity) that is media in the US, when they start talking about Barack Obama's do-over oath.

Cooper and the correspondent complained that there were no cameras at the event, and make it look like it was some mysterious thing that they uncovered by overhearing a conversation at the White House.

They remarked that the lack of video cameras was "ironic" given the promises of transparency from the new Administration.

Some remarks:
  • There is no clash with the transparency promises! There was a press pool at the event, everyone knows what happened at the event, and there was nothing to hide at the event. Just because CNN did not get 1 minute of video to play over and over does not make it some secret conspiracy of some sort.
  • Did CNN complain this loudly when the Bush White House denied to release *information* of actual importance? (Examples too numerous to mention here, but let's just start with the atendees to Cheney's Energy Policy meetings.)

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