Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Republican Debate

How depressing. Fox News feeds them the ticking time bomb scenario, and the Republican candidates, with the honorable exceptions of Paul and McCain, endorse torture. Sullivan's review here.

This is the terrorists' game, and these candidates are playing it.

They are putting the morality of the United States, and its foreign policy, in the hands of the terrorists.

All the talk about "enhanced interrogation techniques" is Orwellian.
Calling it a "moral freak show" seems accurate. How depressing to see the majority of the party in power in the US talking and thinking like two-bit dictators do all over the world.

Romney talks about making Guantanamo twice as big, without lawyers. Nice.
If a Democratic president were elected who would shut down Guantanamo, it wouldn't surprise me if Al-Qaeda staged another attack (even a smallish, cheap one) to reactivate hysteria and get it reopened. It is what they want.

And then, when Ron Paul (seemingly, the only rational candidate) talks about foreign policy blowback, the Fox News moderators put words in his mouth and accuse him of saying that the US deserved 9-11. Giuliani then gets a perfect chance to grandstand about it.

This use of 9-11 is very dangerous: since grievous harm and injustice has been done to us, we can retaliate in whichever way we see fit, even if it is immoral. Quiz: Who else thinks like that?

Update: From those who know more about these matters than I do: Retired generals.

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