Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bush's speechwriter does not understand terrorism


According to this guy, Chief Speechwriter for George W. Bush, the decision of who will be the next President is in the hands of terrorists.

It is true, there has been no terrorist attack in the US since Sept. 11 (let's conveniently ignore the Anthrax attacks for the time being). The article assumes, with no proof, that the only explanation for this is the Bush Administration's policies.

However, do we have any idea how much of this is due to (a) sheer luck? or (b) Al-Qaeda deciding they don't need to have one yet? Or, (c), the terrorists' planning and execution time being longer than 7 years?

This, to mention just a few possible reasons that have nothing to do with anything that the Bush Administration has done, or could possibly do. He just assumes that illegal wiretapping and torture are guaranteed to foil all terrorist plots, from now on in perpetuity.

Update: for more on the matter, see this post at the Washington Monthly.

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