Sunday, November 05, 2006

Movie review: Borat

What can I say? Its current Rotten Tomatoe-meter indicates a 96% level of freshness, unusually high for any movie. I guess I agree with the critical consensus, with some caveats: I would have liked to see more of the fearless sociological explorations (the rodeo, the religious meeting), and less of the borderline-mean cases (the opening caricature of Borat's town, the antiques shop and the fancy Southern dinner at Secession Drive, up until when the uninvited guest shows up).

As for the wrestling scene: priceless. It is not often that the "No. 1 movie in America" features such moments of poetry.

Given how much money the movie is making, I am afraid we can expect a few knock-offs in the future - a Jackass-style franchise, until it gets old?

Update: click here for a well-informed dissenting view.

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