Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Recounts and electronic machines

Among many complaints: Reports last night said that the Montana senate count was taking longer because they were having problems with the electronic machines.

As for the Virginia recount, it seems that there is no paper trail for the individual ballots? If this is the case, all that can be done is to add the sub-totals again.

I believe I heard a Diebold representative say this on the radio, once: if you want a recount (when there's no paper trail), just ask the computer to count again.

One might say that a decent, reliable voting system does not exist for the same reasons that New Orleans did not have decent levees: because the US government does not want them. Not a big conspiracy, necessarily, just an appalling lack of political will. Both can be achieved with less money than what a month's occupation of Iraq currently costs.

Recommended:'s site, for example.

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